THE UNBOXING Community Guidelines
Comment Guidelines
- Be kind and respectful to others.
Add valuable content to the conversation: Spam comments will be removed.
The Unboxing does not approve, control, endorse, or adopt the content posted or supplied by third parties but merely provides a service by allowing users to access information that has been made available by others. Any opinions, reviews, advice, statements, services, offers, or other information or content expressed or made available by third parties, including information providers and users, are those of the respective author(s) or distributor(s) and not The Unboxing. Third-party content available through this site represents the opinions and judgments of the respective information providers or users. As a provider of interactive services, The Unboxing is not responsible or liable for the content, accuracy, or reliability of any opinion, advice, review, statement, or other information or materials posted on the site by or originating from any third party. These guidelines are to help make the community a safe and useful place. Your use of The Unboxing is subject to these Community Guidelines and the Terms of Use of The Unboxing.
When commenting, keep the following in mind:
Be respectful and considerate of others.
Insults or belittling commentary are not permitted under any circumstances. We respect everyone’s right to free speech but will not tolerate harassment.
Do not post offensive content: This includes content that:
is intended to exploit, solicit, or harm minors,
is violent, racist, incendiary, or otherwise objectionable,
contains profane, obscene, vulgar, or sexually explicit language,
glorifies self-harm, suicide, anorexia, bulimia, or any other practice that is clearly unhealthy or harmful,
includes links to photos, drawings, videos, or other materials that are obscene or that contain nudity, violence, or any other images that are not suitable for a subscription box communi.ty- When quoting from a different original source, always provide a link or text when available giving credit to the original source.
- You may not post content that infringes upon or violates any copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret, publicity, privacy, or other intellectual property or other rights unless you are the owner of such rights or have permission from their rightful owner to post the material.
- If you believe that your work has been copied and posted to this site in a way that constitutes copyright infringement, please send a message to
- Do not spam: Any and all forms of "spam," including advertisements and solicitations, will be removed, and The Unboxing may deactivate accounts that are engaged in such activities at any time.
- Each individual can only have one profile and account: Members who use different profiles to make a subscription box look very popular or to make lots of reviews on a box, or otherwise disturb the community, risk having their accounts deactivated.
User Reviews
We provide a space for you to voice your honest opinions and share your personal experiences with the community to help them make informed shopping decisions. When doing so, all of the guidelines above for comments apply here, so please keep those in mind and also the following:
- User reviews must be relevant to the brand or product for which the review is posted.
- User reviews should reflect your own personal experience with the product.
- User reviews should be recent: We ask you to keep your review to products received at least within the past year.
- User reviews should avoid bias, both for and against, the product or brand being reviewed. Stating any known bias helps readers understand and make decisions better based on your review.
- Sharing photos is a great way to demonstrate the authenticity of your review.
- Only one review is allowed per user per product; however, some products have periodic subscriptions, so a review for each period in a subscription is also welcome to share with the community your latest experiences and photos.
- Foul play such as using negative reviews to blackmail brands is prohibited and will be removed.
- We do not accept sponsored reviews at this time. User reviews may not have links or other promotional materials.
- If you believe a review breaks any of the guidelines here, please hit the report button to notify us. If you want to share more information with us about how you think a community guideline is being broken, please email
Response to Violations of The Unboxing Community Guidelines
The Unboxing does not evaluate or guarantee the accuracy of any discussion or community content on The Unboxing.
The Unboxing reserves the right to remove or edit any content for any reason, at any time without notice. Likewise, The Unboxing may, for any reason and at any time, deactivate any user's account and restrict that user's access to the site.
Although The Unboxing has no obligation to screen, edit, or monitor the content of profiles, questions, reviews, answers, or other materials posted on The Unboxing, The Unboxing reserves the right to remove, screen, or edit any such content at any time and for any reason, or for no reason, without notice. This may include content that we determine, at our sole discretion, to be inappropriate and/or in violation of The Unboxing Community Guidelines or the Terms of Use of The Unboxing. Depending on the level of offense, you may risk deactivation of your The Unboxing account and consequently everything associated with it. If you are unsure whether your content is appropriate or consistent with these policies, please do not post it on The Unboxing.
Enforcement of these Community Guidelines and the other rules set forth in the Terms of Use is solely at The Unboxing's discretion, and failure to enforce such rules in some instances does not constitute a waiver of its right to enforce such rules in other instances. In addition, these rules do not create any private right of action on the part of any third party or any reasonable expectation that the Site will not contain any content that is prohibited by such rules and guidelines.
We reserve the right to modify these guidelines at any time without notification.
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